Clendon Park School is a Health Promoting School and have a number of initiatives in place. The intiatives (outlined below) are co-ordinated school wide with the Health/Hauora staff and student teams.
Health Promoting Schools is a worldwide movement developed by the World Health Organisation in the early 1990’s to promote and support health and wellbeing of children and young people.
Since 1997, many schools in Aotearoa/New Zealand have become part of this movement. HPS uses a Whare Tapa Wha model which embraces concepts taha wairua/spirituality, taha whanau/family, taha hinengaro/mental and emotional and taha tinana/physical.
Clendon Park School is a member of the Manukau City Council Health Promoting School cluster facilitated by Shelley Edwards and Ms Tataurangi.
For more information, check out the HPS website ..
Hauora Tamariki
Each year a group of 8-12 students are invited to apply to become a member of Hauora Tamariki - Clendon Park School's student health team, working with Ms Clark. We give out Duffy Book prizes at each assembly to Junior and Senior School prize winners, newsletter returns and Sunsmart winners.
Environment Team
The Environment Team was established in 2008 to implement our recycling programme and our weekly Outdoor Envrionment Award. Any student can be a member of this team.
Kelly Sports
In 2011, Clendon Park School welcomes Kelly Sports as part of our school-wide Physical Education programme. Courtesy of an extremely generous grant from Grassroots Trust, we have been able to secure the services of Kelly Sports' professional coaches to enhance Physical Education in our school.
In Term 1, Kelly Sports coached every class in the school for one session of swimming a week - a wonderful opportunity for our students.
In Term 2, Kelly Sports will be working with our Senior School students on their large ball skills, as well as helping with the coaching of some of our inter-school sports teams.
In Term 3, the Junior School will have Kelly Sports working with them on their Physical Education programmes.