Clendon Park School Samoan Bilingual Unit
“E i ai le avanoa mo fanau i Clendon Park ina ia latou naunau e saili malo i le aoaoina o le poto salalau mo le faaaupegaina o i latou. O le a mafai ona latou tali atu ma fesootai i totonu o le tatou atunuu ma fafo a’o tuputupua’e le latou ola a’oa’oina.”
“Students will have the opportunity to experience the passion for learning within Clendon Park School preparing them with the knowledge, skills and values to respond and positively interact within local, national and global communities throughout their lives.”
Talofa lava! Tautua mo Tupulaga is simply defined as Serving our Younger Generation.
We are exceptionally fortunate in being able to provide Samoan bilingual units from Year 1 - Year 8 to meet the needs of our Samoan students and community.
Tautua mo Tupulaga provides our Samoan students with the opportunity to maintain their culture and extend their language within a Samoan bilingual setting.
Within the Samoan bilingual unit the Samoan language, culture and protocols are celebrated and valued throughout the whole school.
Teaching and learning programmes are planned in consultation with Samoan students and community.
Tautua mo Tupulaga are a separate team in the school but integrate into the mainstream school for professional development and schoolwide activities.