Fruit In Schools 

Fruit in Schools is a Government initiative to encourage children to eat more fruit and adopt healthier lifestyles. Fruit in Schools aims to provide a jumpstart to healthy eating and lifestyle choices for children. Being a Health Promoting School is the first part of this initiative. The scheme involves every child at Clendon Park School getting a piece of fruit ever day.
Fruit in Schools is part of the government's Cancer Control Strategy using four key health promotion areas - Physical Activity, Food and Nutrition, Sun Protection and Smokefree, to help focus on the prevention of Cancer in the New Zealand population.
Breakfast Club 

Every morning Kiwi Can, parent helpers, staff and students organize breakfast for any student who wishes to. At the moment the Breakfast Club is held in the Whare kai from 8:15-8:45 each morning. Our breakfast club offers hot chocolate, toast and spreads for students. It is sponsored by Fonterra and Sanitarium. If you would like to help out in our breakfast club as a volunteer, please contact us - we are always very grateful to receive parent support.
School Lunches 

Free daily lunches for all students. We are really excited to receive the Ka Ora, Ka Ako / Healthy School Lunches programme and provide lunches for students at Clendon Park School.
Providing a nutritious lunch can make a big difference to students' learning and participation at school and will go some way to helping families and whānau to support their children and tamariki.
Lunches will cater for the diet, health and cultural needs of all students, and we will work closely with you and the Ministry of Education to make sure they are healthy and nutritious.
Lunches will meet New Zealand food safety standards and we will make sure food is handled safely and hygenically.
You will be able to choose the option that is best for your child. These are: - 'Standard', 'Vegetarian', 'Vegan', or 'Halal'.