Welcome to Clendon Park School
We look forward to meeting you and your whanau, and to welcome you into our school community. Haere mai!
Four teams
Clendon Park spans the academic years of 0 - 8.
We have the Junior School, which includes children in the first half of their primary school education. This includes children in the New Entrants through to Year 3 or Year 4.
The Senior School, which caters for students in the latter stage of their primary school education. This includes children from Year 4 to Year 6 or Year 8 (in the bi-lingual classes).
We are also very lucky to have our two bi-lingual units within Clendon Park School.
The Te Whanau Awhina team encompasses the junior and senior classes within the Maori bi-lingual team.
Tautua mo Tupulaga includes the classes, both junior and senior within the Samoan bi-lingual team.
Call us to book a visit or to have a chat about enrolment.